Crow’s Feet
/ˈkrəʊzfʊt/a branching wrinkle at the outer corner of a person's eye.

Crow’s Feet
Double Eyelids
/ˈdʌb ə ˈʌɪ lɪd/each of the upper and lower folds of skin which cover the eye when closed.

Double Eyelids
Dark Eye Circles
/dɑːk ʌɪ ˈsəːk(ə)ls/dark blemishes or discoloration under the eyes.

Dark Eye Circles
Aegyo Sal
/eɪgoʊ saʊər/the little muscle band outlining your lower eyelid, often mistaken as eyebag.

Aegyo Sal
/ʌɪ laʃes/the short curved hairs growing on the edges of the eyelids, serving to protect the eyes from dust.

Eye Bags
/ʌɪ bags/puffiness under the eyes..

Eye Bags
Frown Lines
/fraʊn lʌɪns/wrinkles formed when one's brows are furrowed in an expression indication disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.

Frown Lines
/ʌɪ braʊs/the strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person's eye socket.

Sunken Looking Eyes
/ˈsʌŋk(ə)n lʊkŋ ʌɪs/eyes that look sunken into their sockets.