Frown Lines

/fraʊn lʌɪns/ wrinkles formed when one's brows are furrowed in an expression indication disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.
Frown Lines

The wrinkles between your eyebrows are actually called Glabella Frown Lines and people with this wrinkle or frown line often look very serious, intense or angry, and people with more wrinkles often look older than they actually are. There are a few ways to get rid of the wrinkles but in order to understand how you can get rid of these wrinkles; you would have to understand how these wrinkles come about.

If you don’t like your frown lines/wrinkles and would like to get rid of it, please call 65 6532 2400 to make an appointment with Dr Ee and he can best advise you what the best option for you is. Alternatively, you can leave a comment at the end of this article or click here to send an email enquiry to Dr Ee.

One Comment

Karla Rivas

I’m interested in service. I want to get rid of a wrinkle in my for head. But I’m super scared of surgery and needles. Do you guys do anything without any of those things.

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