Double Eyelids
/ˈdʌb ə ˈʌɪ lɪd/ each of the upper and lower folds of skin which cover the eye when closed.An eyelid is a thin fold of skin that covers and protects the eye and it is one of the thinnest skin in the body. The eyelids function to spread the tears and other secretions on the ete surface to keep it moist, since the eyeball, cornea, must be continuously moist. Eyelids keep the eyes from drying out when asleep, and the blink reflex protects the eye from foreign bodies. Most Asians have smaller and shallower eye sockets compared to our western counterparts, and Asians eyes are generally smaller too, and therefore there is a beauty pursuit among Asian to have double eyelids in order to achieve large and beautiful eyes.
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How much is the scarless double eyelid surgery?
Thank you
Hi Jean,
Double eye lid surgery cost about $2500
Hi. May I check how much does it cost to do a double eyelid procedure?
Hi Juven,
That would cost about $2500